Premiered - Sep. 12th 2010.
In the season finale, Rana meets up with Renan for the first time since hes been back from Brazil. They catch up and Renan asks for an update on Blessing (Kofo), Danae, and Phylicia, Rana lets him know that theyre all onto new things. Rana reminds Renan that Angiee has something important to tell him and to catch up with her too asap. Renan mentions that hes just ready for his senior year and then college and new friends, drama, etc. Rana adds that shes glad to not jknow whats next in her life, and that theres no more Vincent or Dontreis. The two continue to relax and talk about the future.
The next night at Angiee's Renan meets up with her for the first time in a month. Angiee is excited to see Renan and the two catch up, Renan mentions how he went to a Ne-Yo concert while he was there. After some minutes of silence, Angiee breaks the news to Renan...she states that shes moving, to North Carolina. Renan doesnt believe her. She goes on about how theres no life for her there and that its not going to be the same if she does leave, her family, friends, and life is here in NY. Renan reassures her everything's going to be alright as she begins to cry. The two hug and Angiee continues to weep. Whats next for Rana? and Whether Angiee moves or not...only time will tell.
Songs From The Show :
Mia Carruthers & The Retros - Chasing After Something
Marie Digby - Symphony
One Republic - Lullaby
Green River Ordinance - On Your Own
NOTE: This concludes Season 4: The transition season.
This could possibly be the last episode for Angiee?
Rana & Renan are the only two confirmed for Season 5 which will begin late this year, in HD. (more info soon!)
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