Premiered - Aug. 25th 2010.
At Glen Island park, Rana and Dontreis are hanging out with some friends. Dontreis mentions that its a little early for Rana to already be playing around and telling him to shut up. Rana is fed up with him and jokes that hes "not on the show" and to stop recording him. Dontreis walks away mad, and later talks to Rana whose been taunting him through the night and no matter what he says Rana seems over him. He mentions that rana "used to be on some romantic s*** with him", but isn't anymore. Dontreis gets the clue and lets her walk away without chasing behind her.
Over at Angiee's house, Rana meets up with Angiee to have some girl time. Angiee mentions that she feels lost without Renan in town, since hes vacationing in Brasil for a month. Angiee mentions that she has some news to break to everybody but isnt ready to tell anyone until Renan is back since she feels that he deserves to know first. Rana agrees while Angiee says she saw Dontreis on the bus and Rana tells her that shes over him, there's nothing there and she doesnt need another relationship anytime soon. Angiee jokes that he wasnt right for her anyways.
The Next night over at New Roc, Rana, Angiee & Blessing meet up for what could possibly be one the last times they see Blessing for awhile. Angiee says that rumor is Blessings leaving soon, Blessing says she only has about a week left. They talk about Ivy leaving without saying much and how Rana is like one of the few that are left. Rana also mentions that shes sick of everybody leaving its starting to get to her. While on their way out the girls share a couple of laughs before the night ends.
Songs From The Show :
Hey Monday - I Dont Wanna Dance
Katy Perry - Not Like The Movies
Lovers Electric - Love Waits
Vanessa Rose - Almost Over
NOTE: This was Dontreis's last episode, due to him and Ranas relationship ending.
This was also, unexpectedly, Blessing's final episode.
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