Premiered - Jan. 27th 2011.
Aaron & Phylicia meet to catch up. Phylicia wants to know if Aaron knows his ex girlfriend (Jenny) is pregnant? He said he knows and he has nothing to do with that, nor any other pregnancies or anything to do with his ex Karisma, whom he tells Phylicia about too. It seems Aarons ready for a relationship, a real one but Rana, Danae, and Phylicia beg to differ.
After months of off camera problems, Renan and Angiee ended their friendship. After about a week or so Renan goes over to Rana's to hang out. She asks him if its sunk in that theyre not friends anymore, he says hes getting used to it, even though its hard. He then goes on to say she chose to not be his friend and made things different and Rana adds in that maybe its better off that way.
Due to Renan and Angiee's immature issue and other events, Rana thinks that its time to be a little more adult and see Vincent after their breakup last year. She lets him know that alot of her friends are losing their friendships, and she doesn't want that for them since they've known each other for so long. Vincent respects her wishes and thanks her for coming to see him. The two agree to be cordial with each other, at least, so there's no animosity anymore. Rana then wonders how it would be if she ever got back with Vincent.
What do you think Rana should do? Take Vincent back or stay single?
Songs From The Show :
The Material - What Happens Next
Aracade Fire - The Suburbs
Broken Records - A Promise
Grace Doty - Let Go Of Me
NOTE: This episode is a revision, added a scene & retitled.
Angiee is no longer a cast member as of this episode.
Phylicia & Vincent (from seasons 1-4) make appearances.